Play is important

Your child’s development and learning is influenced by play. Your child will learn in many ways when they play. offers a wide range of entertainment spiele kindergeburtstag items as direct downloads for festive events, fun kids’ birthday parties and joyful gatherings.

Your child can also benefit from play:

  • Build confidence
  • Feel loved, safe, and happy.
  • Learn more about the workings of the world
  • Develop social skills, language, and communication
  • Learn about caring for the environment and others
  • Develop physical skills

There are two types of play: structured and unstructured.

  • Unstructured, unplanned play is play that happens based on your child’s interests.
  • Younger children are especially reliant on unstructured, unstructured play because it allows them to use their imaginations and move at their own speed.

Unstructured play could be exemplified by:

Creative play with others or alone, such as artistic or musical games

You can make imaginative games, such as making cubbyhouses out of blankets or boxes, dressing up, or playing make-believe.

Explore new and favourite spaces such as cupboards, backyards or parks, or playgrounds.

Your child can have you as a part of their unstructured play. Sometimes, all you have to do is point your child towards the correct direction. Sometimes, you may need to be more active. You might try dressing up. What are you aspiring to be today?

Structured play refers to a planned activity that takes place at a specific time or within a defined space. Structured play is often led by an adult. Structured play is more beneficial for older children.

Structured play can be illustrated by:

  • Outdoor ball games such as kicking a soccerball
  • Water familiarization classes for toddlers and swimming lessons for older kids
  • Storytelling groups for preschoolers and toddlers at the library
  • Dance, music and drama classes for all ages
  • Family board and card games

Modified sports for slightly older kids, such as Cricket Blast, Aussie Hoops, NetSetGO netball and Come and Try Rugby.

Play develops in children

Your child’s attention span and physical abilities will grow as they get older. This will impact the way they play. Your child will become more imaginative and explore new toys, games, and ideas. This could mean that they will need more time and space to play.

As they grow, children experience different types of play. You can play alone, with others children, or interactively with them.

Children can let their imaginations run wild when they have enough space and time to explore new ideas. Simple materials, such as cardboard boxes, can be added to existing spaces. Even in small spaces, pretend play can be encouraged by this.

Play ideas for toddlers to encourage their development

These are some ideas that your toddler may enjoy:

  • You can encourage your child’s imagination with large and lightweight objects, such as cardboard boxes, buckets, or blow-up balls.
  • You can encourage running, jumping, stomping and kicking with chalk, rope, music, or containers.
  • For climbing, balance, twisting, swaying, or rolling, hoops, boxes, large stones, pillows, and large rocks are great for use with.
  • For creativity and imagination, dress-up games using scarves, hats, and other accessories are a great way to express your creativity.
  • Hilly terrain, tunnels, or nooks are great places to encourage crawling, climbing, and exploring.

You can allow your toddler to experiment with different rhythms and sounds by playing music along with your favourite song. Your child might enjoy singing, dancing and clapping along to the music.

Play ideas for preschoolers to encourage their development

These are some ways to get your preschooler’s brain and body moving:

  • For imaginative, unstructured play, old milk containers, wooden spoons and empty pot plant containers are ideal.
  • Simple jigsaw puzzles or matching games such as animal dominoes are good for improving your child’s concentration and memory.
  • Clay and playdough help children develop fine motor skills.
  • Favorite music and pots and pans can be used to make music or dance.
  • Balls are great for kicking, throwing, or rolling.
  • Encourage your child to throw or kick. Try to get them to do it on both sides.